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Welcome to my Blog


The content written here IS the opinion of the writer, and IS based on real people and real events.

A big thank you to the internet for allowing any old twat to have a website.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

new technology vs old technology

If you've ever looked at your dog and thought, wow, your life is great, what I would give for my life to be that easy. Well, I believe we can learn from dogs, and I'm writing a blog, with my dog Daisy, to teach people how to make life that easy.

Actually I started this blog to sell my e-books Jackpot and The Band, but that has now turned into a side gig.

Post for post Daisy and I are tackling life's challenges and world problems.

This is Discussions With My Dog.


Today’s subject is unnecessary technology. It’s quite probable that I will come back to this subject in future discussions with my dog.

pointless inventions

It seems wherever I look there is some unnecessary technology that I either don’t understand or fail to understand why it exists. The high-street and the internet are full of gadgets and accessories that nobody really needs. The Japanese appear to be responsible for inventing most of it and the Chinese have taken over mass producing it. For example, Asia sells a whole range of toilet seats that play musical tunes – why? If I want music whilst using the toilet, I can resort to bodily functions to make a few trumpet noises, although I can’t hold a tune.

How technology affects us negatively

The particular technological advance annoying me today is the push / pull handbrake button on my car. This piece of kit works perfectly, I can’t fault what it does. But this little button has replaced what a car should have, a levered handbrake. This old fashioned device is in exactly the place where I want a handbrake to be and can be used to execute handbrake turns. I have to be completely honest and admit I’ve never attempted a handbrake turn. It’s a trick that rally drivers do to spin the rear end of the car around tight hairpin bends. The handbrake turn looks epic, with the car ploughing up a cloud of dirt & gravel as it rotates through a full 180 degree turn. The point I’m making is that I have been denied the privilege of performing a handbrake turn if I wanted to. The silly little button has deleted the fun option.

Daisy's response 

So, what is Daisy’s take on this? Daisy has her own manoeuvre which can be best described as the paw-brake turn. Our back garden has a stretch of lawn and a couple of raised borders that run most of the length of the garden. After we moved in, we spent a couple of months clearing the borders and laid them with bark. Bark is the perfect surface on which to perform an immense paw brake turn.

Lurchers are sprinters and Daisy is no slouch. She is also a relatively large dog and in order for her to slow and change direction simultaneously, which is an essential part of the chasing game she likes to play with her doggy friends, she engages the paw-brake turn. It looks quite spectacular and it sends piles of bark flying in all directions or tears bloody great lumps out of the lawn. Daisy thinks paw-brake turns are awesome and she completely opposes anything that would stop her being able to use her signature move in the chase game.
At the weekend I’m popping down to Halfords to see if they can fit Daisy with a paw-brake button.


If you can think of any other technology that is just damn right unnecessary please comment below.

Alastair and Daisy


  1. In conversation with my little terrier Maisie regarding paw break turns.
    She pointed out that these are only achievable by long legged rear wheel drive dogs... terriers are more 4 wheel drive.
    Proof of this can be seen if you watch dogs running on laminate flooring.

    Maisie also asked if you could solve the technological mystery and purpose of the defrost button on a toaster???

  2. Daisy says pop the laminate flooring in the toaster & press defrost. After 5 minutes replace the laminate flooring. Your Terrier dog should then get traction.
