Can you remember the last time you took a holiday somewhere in the sun?
When do you think you might next get away? Not any time soon
because the Government has slapped a Covid-19 ban on foreign travel except in
exceptional circumstances.
Courtesy of Discussions with My Dog, here are a couple of
ideas of what might help you get that ‘exceptional circumstances’ ticket.
Option 1
Appeal for charitable donations for some worthy cause. Say
you are going to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a 10-foot rowing boat. Organise a
big press event to watch you paddle away from the British shore in the rowboat.
About 2 miles out you get picked up by a luxury yacht which you have chartered with
the charitable donations and cruise to an idyllic island in the Caribbean.
Nobody will expect you back for a few months, by which time they will have
forgotten about where the charitable donations went.
Option 2
Set up a company called ‘Essential Business Travel' on the
application, list the company directors as you and a few of your drinking
buddies. Apply for permission to go abroad for ‘‘Essential Business Travel’.
You are bound to be approved.