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Welcome to my Blog


The content written here IS the opinion of the writer, and IS based on real people and real events.

A big thank you to the internet for allowing any old twat to have a website.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Marvellous Inventions

Sorry, Discussions with my Dog has been off air for a while. Our medieval life coach, Sir Dickon, has been trapped 💁 in the 14th century due to Covid 19 travel restrictions .

This week, Sir Dickon gives us his view on the invention of the mobile phone.

If you want to send a message long distance in the middle ages, you first had to find a 👴person who could write, pay the cost of a piece of parchment (about £10 in todays money), and send it by horseback - 💲very slow and expensive. The last posting date for Xmas cards was in September 🎅.


1) Nobody received junk mail

2) If you were out on the lash, your wife couldn't pester you to find out when you would be home

3) The world didn't stop turning because nobody "liked" your latest selfie 😭 

That being said, on the whole, Sir Dickon thinks mobile phones are a valuable contribution to society because he can access PornHub on the move 💪 😏.